Do you know any boxer breeders near Columbus, Ohio? - boxer breeders in ohio
I live in Milford Center, Ohio, and I want a female boxer to mate with my male boxer for 4 years. A phone number, address, e-mail address or Web site Wold is appreciated!
Boxer Breeders In Ohio Do You Know Any Boxer Breeders Near Columbus, Ohio?
8:49 PM
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Here is a ...
To loction and click on your region Most people who sell the puppies to their e-mail address on the website and maybe one can help them. Good luck!
Please do not just ask someone like that! You have no idea what the dog to be similar and could end up with a mental disability or unstable Puppies! We have enough animals. I do not understand how people can give a human society, and then click "Order" first class "pure blood". Pure Mutts will not improve. I have owned both and while both were incredibly sweet was purely allergies. Normally, the gene pool is closed if the breeding just a cigar with a cigar. Please not the world (and potential offspring) a favor. Do not make the local agriculture.
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